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Welcome to Lents Neighborhood website created by Leon Le. Lents is located in SE Portland. It mostly is a residential neighbor hood. It's located between Foster & Powell (from South to North) and 110th Ave & 82nd Ave (from West to East). I-205 is running through the neighborhood. In the middle of neighborhood, there is Lents Park that has the Walker stadium. East Port Plaza is a business area of Lents Neighborhood. East Port Plaza has a 16-Century movie complex, Walmart, Albertson's, Bank of America, Post Office, GI Joe, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, Burger King, and many other businesses. East Port Plaza is blooming after the re-innovation in 1998. New Copper Penny club provides the neighborhood with entertainment and nightlife. In this site, I hope you can find all the information you need to know about Lents Neighborhood. You can read Lents history by clicking on History icon. Most of information could be found in Links. Thank you for visiting the site. |